A Wake-up Call? Imagine if the recent quakes (think: 7.1) had been on the Hayward or the San Andreas faults, instead of a lightly inhabited desert area? How long are we going to complacently keep our heads in the sand and think this isn’t going to happen near us? Sorry I’m like a broken record, but someone needs to be constantly shouting that you should: 1. Have the adequacy of your retrofit checked (see: quakeprepare.com/quakeconsult ) 2. Have an automatic gas shutoff valve installed (see: quakeprepare.com/quakevalves ) 3. Secure tall furniture/wall hangings/appliances (contact Max: maxwell786@gmail.com 4. Get an emergency back-pack kit for your vehicle(s) (see samples at:https://tinyurl.com/y6wbby22 ) Be Safe. Larry Guillot QuakePrepare.com 510-292-6571 email: larry@quakeprepare.com |