I am the ONLY earthquake preparedness expert in northern California who provides in-home consultations that include an assessment of your retrofit adequacy. Here’s what you get:
You will learn how well your house is seismically connected to the foundation. The majority of homes in the Bay area are considered “old.” If your older home has not had a seismic retrofit, it is automatically unsafe in a serious earthquake. More importantly and largely unknown:
Your home has been retrofitted? Maybe. One of the best retrofit contractors in the SF bay area says that at least 30% of his work is on homes that have been retrofitted incorrectly. To learn the elements of a retrofit, visit bayarearetrofit.com
“I thought my foundation might need work, and Larry confirmed that. I’m getting bids for having the work done.” – Barbara Kluger
If I discover that your home is in need of retrofit work, I will recommend SF bay contractors whose work I’ve seen and trust. A retrofit of your home is cheap compared to the alternative. If the seismic securing of your house to the foundation is dangerously inadequate, it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars to repair your home after a serious quake, even if you have quake insurance. The expense, of course, will seem insignificant if you or a family member is seriously injured or killed.
With the consult, you will learn which appliances and furniture are unsafe. Not everything needs to be secured to a wall. Are you confident about what needs securing and what doesn’t? I’ll give you that information. How? I’ll walk with you through the house, room by room, and we’ll discuss everything. I’ll answer your questions, so that when we’re finished, you will know what you need to secure.
You will learn the safest places to be in your home during a serious quake. As we go room by room, we discuss the best place for you to “drop, cover, and hold on.” Every house is different, and that’s the advantage of my consultation: we’re seeing things together, I’m answering questions, and you end up with knowledge you can act on, giving you the peace of mind you need.
“Thank you for letting me know about the safest spots in the house.”- Heather Imboden
You will learn about the gas, water, and electric cut-offs for your home. You need to know where they are and how they operate. Some people don’t know how to operate one or more of the cut-offs. I’ll make sure that the gas and water cut-offs are operable. I’ve been astounded at the number of gas cut-off valves that are frozen – they just won’t budge. This could be not only dangerous, but downright catastrophic! And not only after a quake, but there could be other emergencies where you have leaking gas and have to turn off your supply at the meter.
“It was very disconcerting when Larry discovered that our gas shut-off valve was “frozen” and wouldn’t operate. He told us how to get PG&E to fix it – very helpful!” – Carrie Blake
The charge for your personal earthquake consultation is currently $195. Please allow up to two hours for your consult. I have recently gone to virtual consultations. We communicate with, for example,
Facetime, and I conduct the consultation the same way as if I were standing next to you.
Yes, I want to schedule my personal QuakePrepare Consultation:
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