Your house is not the same as the one next door. No two foundations are exactly the same; rooms have individual configurations, especially with furniture. Utility shut-offs can be in a variety of places. That’s why we consult with you in your home and not, say, over the phone.
You want peace of mind about being ready for the serious earthquake that will come. You need to have as much information as possible so you can do what is necessary to be prepared and to be ready to act intelligently during and after an earthquake.
You don’t want to be scared. You want to get to that “comfort zone.” I try and answer all your questions. If I’m not sure of an answer, I won’t blow smoke – I’ll tell you I’m not sure and I’ll do my best to get the answer for you.
Our service is unique. If there’s any residential consulting business in the San Francisco bay area providing earthquake preparedness services, we haven’t found it. There are a multitude of contractors who will take a look at your seismic retrofit and suggest what needs to be done. There are also plenty of organizations with web sites where you can do research and get information (like the Red Cross, Association of Bay Area Governments, U.S. Geological Survey, and many others), but we are the only business organization that we know of in the San Francisco bay area that will come to your home and provide you with all of our unique services.
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