Is PG&E Installing Automatic Gas Shutoff Valves?
I’ve heard a number of times lately from folks who have been told by PG&E employees that they are installing automatic gas shutoff valves, implying that there is no need for individual shutoff valves at your residence.
The truth, from PG&E itself, is that they have installed 235 remote automatic gas shutoff valves which have to be activated remotely in San Ramon. They brag that two years ago they were able to shut down a major gas supply line in 10 minutes. If this is the best they can do, your house could already be on fire before they shut down the supply.
They also tout the fact that they have installed 14 automatic shutoff valves. They’re installed where transmission pipelines cross major fault lines. Wow, what great protection to the huge bay area!
Read their report on their “automatic” safety valves:
We have now installed over 2,900 automatic gas shutoff valves in the bay area at a price which is the best I’ve seen. If you have one, why not get everyone in your neighborhood to do the same?
Be Safe.
Earthquakes: Bad News About The Next Big Quake
Scientists Warn It Could Be Much Worse
Last month, scientists with the USGS reported that they had discovered that the Hayward and Rodgers Creek faults look like they are connected. This translates into the strong possibility that the seismic experts have underestimated the potential strength of the next big SF bay quake.
There is the possibility that when the Hayward ruptures, it could register 7.4 – five times stronger than the 1989 Loma Prieta quake.
Here is the relevant article: http://www.theverge.com/2016/10/19/13335816/earthquake-faults-san-francisco-oakland-bay-area-san-andreas-hayward
I pass this on not to create paralyzing fear, but to encourage everyone to take care of the basics of getting ready: have your retrofit checked, have an automatic gas shut-off valve installed, secure necessary furniture, appliances, and wall hangings, keep backpack emergency kits in your vehicles, and have two weeks worth of food and water available.
A reminder: my in-home QuakeConsult gives you a ton of helpful information, including all the things mentioned above (and more).
Earthquake Safety: Anti-shatter window film
Watch Out For The Glass!
Not surprisingly, during a major quake, many windows shatter. Glass can be projected into a room and cause injuries. Tempered glass won’t do this, but…
For large windows which are untempered glass, when anti-shatter adhesive film is applied, the shattering concern is resolved.
There are good products on the market which will do the job, and they can be clear, colorless, and undetectable. There are too many brands to mention, but you might start your search here: https://www.google.com/#q=anti+shatter+window+film
Remember: installing the correct film on your large windows will make your house much safer for you and your family.
Help your neighbors be safe: if you are a member of a neighborhood Nextdoor
group (or similar), and you have had us install an automatic gas shut-off valve, or you have had my in-home QuakeConsult, please recommend us to your neighbors!
Be safe.
Larry Guillot
email: larry@quakeprepare.com
Final Score: Quake, 4 – SF Bay, 0
The Quake Wins, and You Lose – IF
- You didn’t have enough food/water (2 weeks worth)
- You were gone, gas line broke, house burned down (no automatic gas shut-off valve)
- House fell off the foundation (didn’t have your retrofit checked)
- You were injured when a bookcase fell on you (no securing)
Which ones have you been putting off? Why not use the summer to take care
of getting better prepared?
We’ve now surpassed 2,400 gas shut-off valves installed over the past 11 years. If you or a friend/neighbor/family member still don’t have one, get in touch with me now. If you ask for it, I’ll honor our recent $199 special price throughout July (slightly more away from the east bay area).
Earthquake Preparedness: How To Solve the Clutter Problem
Clutter Is Dangerous!
Too often in my consultations, I see way too much clutter around peoples’ homes. If the safe places to take cover in a room are blocked by things that don’t have to be there, you could be injured in a big quake.
Quite commonly, for example, I see so much stuff under a desk that it would be impossible to get under it when shaking starts. Be safe: take a look around.
QuakePrepare has now installed over 2,300 automatic gas shut-off valves. If you or your neighbors haven’t yet taken advantage of this (incredibly cheap) insurance to protect your house, email or call me. Still $245 in most locations.
email: larry@quakeprepare.com
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