Worse Than a Damaged Home – No Home At All
After the Napa quake seven years ago, PG&E reported that they had over 200 reports of gas leaks A number of homes in Napa were destroyed by fire after this quake. THAT is the reason that everyone should have an automatic gas shut-off valve installed.
The Napa quake was a 6.0 – when the Hayward ruptures, it could be a 7.0. That would result in about 10 times more shaking and about 33 times more energy released
Already have an automatic gas shutoff valve? Good on you!
What about your neighborhood?
We have worked with dozens of neighborhoods over the past 16 years. Send me contact info for your neighborhood coordinator and I’ll take it from there. More homes with valves installed = safer neighborhood.
What about your kids, your parents, your friends, all those whom you care about?

We use the Little Firefighter valve, and we have now installed over 4,500 gas shutoff valves in the SF bay area. Most plumbers charge from $375 to $500. Our normal price is $295 – $325, depending upon area. Cheapest fire insurance around. Now is the time. Quakeprepare.com/quakevalves
Larry Guillot
Email: larry@quakeprepare.com