Be safe.
Larry Guillot
Be safe.
Larry Guillot
Most natural disasters can be prepared for:
And now for the earthquake advance warning:
“There’s going to be a major earthquake. Do something about it.”
We have past the 2,100 mark of automatic gas shut-off valves installed in the SF bay area. These valves are basic, cheap insurance against fire, one of the major destroyers associated with big earthquakes. You probably have one – encourage your neighbors, friends, family, and colleagues to do the same!
Our standard valve price varies from $245 – $295, depending upon location (East Bay area is $245).
Be safe.
Larry Guillot
Bad News About Your Retrofit
Do you feel safer because your house has had a retrofit? Unfortunately, you may have a false sense of security: a highly respected east bay retrofit contractor says that fully 30% of his business is repairing retrofits that were incomplete or incorrectly done.
As an independent expert on retrofits, I have to say that my experience is the same. When I evaluate a house’s seismic attachment to its foundation during my in-home consultation, I find that those which have had a previous retrofit are most often incomplete, and quite often incorrectly done.
As far as I can tell (except for structural engineers), I am the only licensed, independent retrofit expert in northern California – I don’t do retrofits. I’m a consultant and I don’t want any conflict of interest.
If I’ve checked your retrofit, great – pass this on to a friend, neighbor, colleague, or family member. If you haven’t had me over yet, give me a call or email.
See my web site for a summary of the consultation:
BONUS QuakeTip: I recently reported that Walmart’s on line price for a 55 gallon water barrel seems to be the best. They have raised their price to $96.27, but that’s still the best I’ve seen for what you get. For details, go to my website and click on “Blog.”
PG&E is disingenuous about:
1. Their manual shut-off valve at the meter. They tell us: “if you smell gas after a quake, go out and turn the gas off at the meter.”
Problem: at the end of my in-home consults, I check this valve with the special tool or a regular crescent wrench. Over 70% of the time, I can’t budge the valve. Without a special plumber’s pipe wrench, most homeowners would be out of luck. PG&E knows this is a problem, but does nothing about it, unless you call.
Advice: check your manual valve. Call PG&E if it’s too difficult or impossible for you to make it slightly move, and tell them they need to come out and replace or repair the valve. It’s their responsibility. Get your neighbors, family, and friends to do the same. In the image above, the yellow arrow is pointing to the manual shut-off valve.
2. Fire hazard if you’re not home when a major quake hits. They just blithely presume we’ll be home to turn our gas off if there’s a gas leak after a quake. What if we’re not home?
Problem: PG&E doesn’t recommend installing automatic gas shut-off valves to solve the problem of not being at home. Their official position on installing these valves? “Neutral.” No position. Really? Even after their horrible track record of promoting safety?
Advice: Make sure you and your neighbors have automatic gas shut-off valves installed.
Our prices for automatic gas shut-off valves: $245 – $285, depending upon location.
Larry Guillot