1. Have water for at least two weeks: experts say between 1-2 gallons per person per day. Water from the grocery store must be used within a few months. The most practical way is to buy a 55 gallon water barrel.
Best On-line Water Barrel Prices:
If you already have a 55 gallon water barrel, then tell your family, friends, and neighbors about this. The Covid pandemic has jacked prices way up and caused some suppliers to stop carrying the barrels. Shipping is usually very expensive.
Go to: https://www.moreprepared.com/complete-55-gallon-water-storage-system?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=feed&gclid=CjwKCAjwoP6LBhBlEiwAvCcthHvHVtS1uA5rYcDrAwwl-28w2MIUne9i_k2y8j1CaDlHxLEklq55gxoCEvkQAvD_BwE Their price is $119 + shipping. You have to call them to get a quote on shipping (888-733-7245). A recent quote to a San Francisco address was $195 including shipping.
Go to: https://www.amazon.com/Augason-Farms-Emergency-Storage-Supply/dp/B006OW4FVI?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 Look to the right and click on “See All Buying Options.” Feb. 2022 shows $175 with free shipping for Prime Members.
Before you fill the barrel, put in 1 oz of plain bleach – water can be good for (conservatively) a year. No need to buy a hand pump to get the water out, just go to a hardware store & get about 8’ of ½” clear plastic tubing. Wrap it up, put in a zip-lock bag, and tape it to the top of the barrel.
Walmart.com (UPDATE Feb., 2022: Walmart sends you to Augason Farms, just like Amazon.)
2. Have food for minimum of two weeks
● the down side to canned goods is that they have a relatively short shelf life, exceptions being products like Spam & Dinty Moore stew (Hormel products), which will last indefinitely in a cool place.
● one possibility is Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) which are used by the military, but also available to the public. Typical shelf life is 8-10 years. If you Google “MREs,” you will find a number of vendors.
● another possibility is freeze-dried meals, which places like REI & Costco carry, and, of course, they are on-line as well. Mountain House pouches have about a 7 year shelf life; their #10 cans have 25+ year shelf life.
3. Car Kits: Make sure you have backpack emergency kits in every car. You could be miles away when a big quake hits and it’s estimated 1,400 roads and streets in SF east bay will be closed. You’ll be walking. Have a good pair of walking shoes in your trunk as well.
4. Have a Plan: If there are other people in your household, make sure you at least discuss a possible plan as to what you’re going to do if one is away from the house when a quake hits. Walk home? Walk somewhere else? Walk to a shelter? Stay at your office?
Photo of Larry checking seismic attachment of house to foundation
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Larry Guillot